Every Human goes through Endless Moments, Experiences. Some Good, Some Bad & if you look closely then one can see a Story on the face of that Human Being!! This is an Effort to Compile some photos that I have clicked over the years and would be doing in future to Salute this race of Humans!.
All the shots have been taken Randomly and is without the permission of the Subject. If Anybody finds any picture Disturbing/Objectionable, Then please mail me and I would be happy to apologise and take that picture down!
This is a Small effort to Organise pics under the Theme
Here is Part 1
In Lucknow at Sharma Chai Corner, We Met this GentleMan while he was selling Children’s Books.
In ke Dil ke Andar chahe Jitna dard ho, but inke chehre par sirf Muskaan thi.
“Probably, he knows that in Public Dealing you should keep your problems to your self & Show your best face to the customer!”
Sitting at the entrance of Langar Hall @ Golden Temple In Amritsar… He Witnesses at least 30 Thousand people passing by him each day!! Would he observe each one of them, like we observed him. That is the Question!!
This Gentleman was eating his food….. but his interest was more in the Chess Game my Friend Sasha Dorofeev was playing with the Owner @Dilli Haat!
And he did point out some Excellent Moves to his Employer…..
Am Glad that Chess is not any more a Rich man’s Game as it used to be!
Daari jaaye, Par Mooch na jaaye!
Clicked at Chawri Bazar, Old Delhi